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GBV prevention topics in provincial/territorial curricula

Sexual relationship and consent

Physical Education and Wellness

Kindergarten to Grade 6

English, French

Sexuality, gender roles and equity, various forms of GBV, safer sex practices, sexual assault

Health and Life Skills Grade

Grade 7 to 9



Positive/healthy relationships (including communication, abuse, exploitation, respect, peer pressure), consent, internet safety, bullying, safety.

Physical and Health Education

Kindergarten to Grade 10

English, French

British Columbia

Sexual abuse and exploitation, physical and verbal violence, bullying, peer pressure, right to privacy, healthy relationships, safety, anger management, bullying, conflict resolution.

Physical Education/Health Education

Kindergarten to Grade 10

English, French


Personal safety, bullying, conflict resolution, relational aggression, interpersonal relationships, healthy relationships, antidiscrimination, media messages about bodies, sexuality, and relationships.

Personal Wellness

Grades 3 to 5

English, French

Wellness, sexual decision making, sexuality issues, refusal skills, health relationships, violent behaviours and anger management.

Personal Wellness

Grades 6 to 8

English, French

New Brunswick

Self-respect and respect for others, setting and communicating boundaries, decision-making skills, harassment, physical abuse, male/female stereotyping, peer pressure, confidentiality and privacy, physical, emotional and sexual abuse, healthy interpersonal relationships, dating behaviours and communication skills.


Grade 1 to 9

English, French

Newfoundland & Labrador

Healthy relationships, personal safety, body dynamics, self-image, decision making.

Junior Kindergarten / Kindergarten Curriculum


English, French

Personal safety, boundaries, assertive communication skills, sexual abuse and assault, sexual pressure, forms of violence, family violence, gender role stereotyping.

Health Studies

Grade 1 to 9

English, French

North West Territories

Healthy and safe friendships, peer relationships, consent, respect, boundaries, safety, communication and interpersonal skills.

Health Education

Grades 1 to 6

English, French

Healthy relationships, safe relationships, online and offline, sexual exploitation, sexual violence, respecting the rights of others, communication and interpersonal skills, assertiveness and refusal skills.

Healthy Living

Grades 7 to 9

English, French

Nova Scotia

Information not currently available on the website.

School Health

Kindergarten to Grade 9



Healthy relationships, respect, consent, well-being and safety, bullying, abuse, exploitation, or harassment, non-consensual behaviours, violent situations, cyberbullying, use of communication and digital technology, gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation, violence in intimate and sexual relationships, gender-based violence, racially-based violence, role of support services in preventing violence.

Health and Physical Education

Grades 1 to 8

English, French

Use of electronic communication technology, gender identity and sexual orientation, sexual decision making, health sexuality, sexual health and safety, healthy social relationships, intimate relationships, harassment, violence and abuse in relationships verbal, physical, and social bullying, personal and interpersonal skills, communication, coping, and conflict resolution skills.

Healthy Active Living Education

Grade 9 to 12

English, French


Unsafe or abusive situations, conflict resolution strategy, respect for others, safety, passive, aggressive, and assertive behaviours, anger management, communication skills, abusive and healthy relationships, harassment, media violence, choice and coercion in decision-making, sexual assault, types of abuse, sexual orientation, available community support for abusive relationships.

Health Curriculum

Grades 1 to 9

English, French

Healthy relationships, decision making, communication, safety, sexual health issues and harmful behaviours.

Physical Education

Grade 10


Prince Edward Island

Sexual assault or violence, stereotypical representations of femininity and masculinity, discrimination based on gender identity, gender expression and sexual orientation, respecting sexual diversity and differences, healthy relationships and consent.

Sexuality Education

Elementary and Secondary

English, French


Healthy relationships, safety and protection, cyber safety respect, types and impacts of violence, peer pressure, healthy decision, interpersonal skills, gender norms and expectations.

Health Education

Kindergarten to Grade 9

English, French


This project has been funded by Women and Gender Equality Canada

WAGE logo

Personal space, sexual decision making, safe vs. unsafe touch, body image, sexual abuse and exploitation, gender stereotypes/bullying, healthy relationships, communication skills and assertive refusal, conflict resolution, peer pressure, affection and boundaries. (*Uses an adapted British Columbia curriculum. Please see British Columbia curriculum.)

Comprehensive sexual health education

Kindergarten to Grade 12

English, French


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