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Other Pages (201)
SIECCAN: Applying a Specialized Skill-Set to Sexual Health Promotion Contact Us First name* Last name* Email* Request Type* General Inquiry Partnership & Collaboration Research Services Other Message Submit SIECCAN's Expertise, Track Record, and Reach in Sexual Health Education Need to decide if we need this text box/paragraph at all anymore :) SIECCAN offers an unparalleled level of specialized expertise and background in varied aspects of sexual health education and promotion. Our team has extensive experience and training (MA., MPH, MSc, PhD) in fields such as Psychology, Public Health, and Education. We have background in survey research design and data analysis, literature review and synthesis, resource creation, and policy development. We have expertise in all aspects of sexual health promotion including STI prevention, disability and sexuality (developmental, physical), prevention of gender-based violence, and sexual communication (e.g., consent). SIECCAN has a strong track record of working effectively with all levels of government (municipal, provincial, territorial, federal), professional organizations and associations, and private sector corporations. Research Design & Analysis Sexual health specific quantitative survey and focus group research. We have skills and experience in: Pre-research literature review; Development of inclusive survey questionnaires and conducting large sample surveys with diverse populations such as youth, newcomer youth, young adults, mid-life adults, and parents; Ethics review and statistical analysis (SPSS); Research reports and knowledge translation. Evidence-based Health Promotion Strategy We bring in-depth knowledge and experience in applying tested theory and empirical evidence to the development of health promotion and education strategies. These include policy guidelines, issue briefs, educator/health care provider guides, and student/patient sexual health information resources. Policy Development We will ensure your policies incorporate SIECCAN's Core Principles of Comprehensive Sexual Health Education and reflect the most current evidence-based research. Research-based Resource/Curriculum Development Mention the different types of resources - modules, fact sheets, STI resources, etc
- Conclusions des groupes de discussion avec de jeunes handicapé-es (handicaps physiques)
Conclusions des groupes de discussion avec de jeunes handicapé-es (handicaps physiques) Previous Item Next Item Conclusions des groupes de discussion avec de jeunes handicapé-es (handicaps physiques) SIECCAN, HC 2023 Language: French Resource Type: Report Conclusions des groupes de discussion avec de jeunes handicapé-es (handicaps physiques)
- Feuillet d’information: Comprendre la communication des non-autistes dans les fréquentations
Parfois, les personnes autistes et non autistes ont des façons différentes de communiquer. Previous Item Next Item Feuillet d’information: Comprendre la communication des non-autistes dans les fréquentations HC, SIECCAN November 2023 Language: French Resource Type: Information Sheet Parfois, les personnes autistes et non autistes ont des façons différentes de communiquer. Des personnes non autistes peuvent utiliser des formes indirectes de communication verbale et non verbale pour montrer à une autre personne qu’elles l’aiment de manière romantique ou sexuelle. Ce feuillet d’information donne des exemples de choses que des personnes non autistes font ou disent pour te montrer qu’elles t’aiment ou ne t’aiment pas d’une manière romantique ou sexuelle.
SIECCAN News (25)
- 2024 in Review for SIECCAN
2024 was a busy year for us over here at SIECCAN! We are thankful to our network of health care professionals and all of your support. Last year we released: Benchmarks for Effective Comprehensive Sexual Health Education in Canada and Consultation Report Issue Brief: Survey Indicates Strong Support for Publicly Funded Sexual and Reproductive Heath Services Three Infographics on HPV and the HPV Vaccine I'm a millennial woman: Should I get vaccinated for HPV? The HPV Vaccine: Men, it's about time! For Trans and Non-binary people, the HPV vaccine can enhance autonomous control of sexual health. Educator Guide: Gender-Based Violence Prevention within School-Based Comprehensive Sexual Health Education Sexual Health Education GBV Prevention Portal Sexual Health Promotion with Disabled Youth toolkit Canadian Guidelines for Sexual Health Promotion with Disabled Youth ( full version and easy read version ) Sexual Health Promotion: A Guide for Service Providers Working with Disabled Youth 2 information sheets for disabled youth: Disability and Sexual Activity and Setting and Maintaining Boundaries 2 new educational videos for youth with physical disabilities: Setting and maintaining boundaries in different relationships and Navigating disability and dating 2 New Sexual Health Tools Inclusive Sexual Health Assessment: A Guide for Healthcare Providers Condoms Are a Good Choice to Protect Sexual Health Infographic Open Access Article from the Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality: “This is Killing Me. Please Let Me Leave”: Trans and Non-Binary Youth and Sexual Health Education in Alberta 2024 était une année bien remplie pour nous ici au CIÉSCAN ! Nous sommes reconnaissants à notre réseau de professionnels de la santé et de tout votre soutien. L’année passée, nous avons publié : Un guide à l’intention des personnes enseignantes : la prévention de la violence fondée sur le genre dans l’éducation complète à la santé sexuelle en milieu scolaire Prévention de la VFG dans l’éducation à la santé sexuelle portail Points De Repère Pour Une Éducation Efficace Et Complète En Matière De Santé Sexuelle et Rapport Sommaire Des Consultations Trousse D’outils Pour La Promotion De La Santé Sexuelle Auprès Des Jeunes Handicapé-es Lignes directrices canadiennes pour la promotion de la santé sexuelle auprès des jeunes handicapé-es ( version intégrale et lecture simplifiée ) Promotion de la santé sexuelle : un guide à l’intention des prestataires de services travaillant avec de jeunes handicapé-es 2 feuillets d’information pour les jeunes handicapé-es : Handicap et activité sexuelle et Établir et maintenir des limites 2 nouvelles vidéos éducatives pour les jeunes handicapé-es: Établir et maintenir des limites dans différentes relations et Gérer le handicap et les « dates »
- Open Access Article from the Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality “This is Killing Me. Please Let Me Leave”: Trans and Non-Binary Youth and Sexual Health Education in Alberta
Emile Maine, Teresa Hardy, and Kristopher Wells MacEwan University, Edmonton, Alberta This qualitative research study is among the first to explore the sexual health education experiences of trans and non-binary (TNB) youth in Alberta and highlights critical gaps and successes found within their formal and non-formal educational environments. TNB youth highlighted how they want access to sexual health education that does not contribute to stigma and shame and is more inclusive of their unique identities and sexual health needs. Key recommendations include prioritizing inclusive 2SLGBTQ+ education and training for teachers, shifting away from cisnormative understandings of sexual health, increasing visibility and representation of non-cishet bodies and experiences in the classroom and media, and prioritizing and including specific TNB information in sexual health curricula that is evidence-based and accessible to all students.
This guide details the importance of a comprehensive sexual health assessment for young men. It highlights both the sexual health of men as well as their sexual partners so healthcare providers can provide better sexual health services to their patients. Click here to view the Comprehensive Sexual Health Assessment: A Guide for Healthcare Providers Working with Young Men ! The guide includes: An evidence-based approach to taking a sexual history of patients. The importance of sexual health assessments for men. Normalizing sexual health conversations with patients. Condom use for STI prevention and contraception. Encouraging young men to take responsibility for themselves and their partners.