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    The Sex Information and Education Council of Canada (SIECCAN) is a registered not-for-profit charitable organization that was formed in 1964. SIECCAN works with educators, health professionals, community organizations, governments, and other partners to promote the sexual and reproductive health of Canadians. A core objective of SIECCAN is to increase the capacity of educators and institutions that deliver education and healthcare to Canadians to provide comprehensive sexual health education. Our Priorities Current key priorities for SIECCAN include the development, implementation, and evaluation of comprehensive sexual health education focused on: Marginalized youth including those with disabilities, diverse sexual orientations and gender identities, and ethno-cultural minority youth; The prevention of sexual and gender-based violence; Media literacy and technology; Prevention of sexually transmitted infections. Currently, the development of high-quality, easily accessible sexual health education materials to assist parents/caregivers and teachers in providing high quality sexual health education is a priority for SIECCAN. CJHS Canadian Guidelines for Sexual Health Education for educators and policymakers Questions & Answers Our Work SIECCAN develops and disseminates comprehensive sexual health education resources for educators, health professionals, and the public; conducts research on sexual health; and publishes the Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality (CJHS). Who We Are We are an interdisciplinary team of sexual health educators, researchers, and resource developers specializing in policy consultation and the development of evidence-based sexual health education materials. Our Personnel Alex McKay, PhD Executive Director Alex joined SIECCAN in 1989 as a Research Assistant. Since 2016, he has been Executive Director and Managing Editor of SIECCAN’s Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality. (he/him) Jocelyn Wentland, PhD Director of Operations Jocelyn joined SIECCAN in 2015 as a Research Associate. Jocelyn examined women's sexuality and definitions of casual sex relationships in her graduate research. Jocelyn oversees SIECCAN's various projects. (she/her) Jessica Wood, PhD Research and Project Development Lead Jessica joined SIECCAN in 2018 as a Research Specialist. Jessica conducts research and develops sexual health education resources for educators and policy makers. Her research has focused on the sexual health of youth, women, LGBTQ+ people, and people in multi-partner relationships. (she/her) Yi Wen Shao, MPH Disability Sexual Health Promotion Specialist Yi Wen joined SIECCAN in 2022 as a Project Coordinator. Yi Wen completed her graduate studies in public health with a focus on social and behavioural health sciences (health promotion). She oversees SIECCAN's Enhancing Effective Sexual Health Promotion with Autistic and Disabled Youth project. (she/her) Ada Madubueze, MSc Gender-Based Violence Sexual Health Promotion Specialist Ada joined SIECCAN in 2022 as a Project Coordinator. She has a graduate degree in epidemiology with a research focus on perinatal, sexual, and reproductive health. She oversees SIECCAN's GBV Prevention within Sexual Health Education Project. (she/her) Sophia Greene, MA Sexual Health Education Coordinator Sophia joined SIECCAN in 2022 and works as the Sexual Health Education Coordinator. They are coordinating the Boys and Consent project and work across all other projects. Sophia is a certified sexual health educator and their graduate research focused on embodied resistance to patriarchy and colonialism. (they/she) Board of Directors Eugene Nam Patient Engagement Lead, HIV Medical Affairs, Gilead Sciences, Toronto, ON Director Stephen Holzapfel, MD CCFP FCFP Medical Director, Sexual Medicine Counselling Unit/Department of Family & Community Medicine/Women’s College Hospital Associate Professor, Department of Family & Community Medicine and Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto Chair Josephine Pui-Hing Wong, RN, PhD Professor, Daphne Cockwell School of Nursing, Faculty of Community Services Cross Appointment, Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto Adjunct, Graduate Program in Environmental Studies, York University The Ryerson Center for Immigration and Settlement, Toronto, ON Treasurer Ann Barrett Sexual Health Educator (Retired), Toronto Public Health, Toronto, ON Director Lori A. Brotto, PhD, R Psych Professor, Faculty of Medicine | Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology Executive Director, Women’s Health Research Institute | Canada Research Chair in Women’s Sexual Health/The University of British Columbia | Diamond Health Care Centre, Vancouver, BC Director E. Sandra Byers, Ph.D., L. Psyc., FRSC Professor and Chair, Department of Psychology, University of New Brunswick Executive Director, Council of Canadian Departments of Psychology Director William A. Fisher, PhD, FCAHS Distinguished Professor Emeritus/Adjunct Research Professor, Department of Psychology Adjunct Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Western University, London, ON Director Yonah Krakowski, MD, FRCSC Division of Urology, Department of Surgery, University of Toronto Transition Related Surgical Program, Women’s College Hospital Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto, ON Director Rob McEwan Senior Vice President, Argyle Public Relationships, Toronto, ON Director Uzma Rehman, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Psychology, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON Director Our Expertise Sexual health education/promotion Sexual health education/promotion content and resource development for professional, student, and public audiences Research design, implementation, and results dissemination Sexual health policy development Our Partnerships and Collaborations We are committed to building on existing partnerships and establishing new partnerships and collaborations based on shared objectives. Our Principles SIECCAN developed Core Principles of Comprehensive Sexual Health Education (page 22 of the Canadian Guidelines for Sexual Health Education ) that reflect our organizational values and inform our work. The Core Principles state that comprehensive sexual health education: Is accessible to all people inclusive of age, race, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, STI status, geographic location, socio-economic status, cultural or religious background, ability, or housing status. ​ Read our Anti-Racism Statement Promotes gender equality and the prevention of sexual and gender-based violence. Promotes human rights including autonomous decision-making and respect for the rights of others.

  • Sexual Health Education in the Schools: Ontario

    Previous Item Next Item Sexual Health Education in the Schools: Ontario SIECCAN 2015 Language: English Resource Type: Questions & Answers Sexual Health Education in the Schools: Ontario

  • Gender-Based Violence Prevention in Sexual Health Education Consultation Report

    Previous Item Next Item Gender-Based Violence Prevention in Sexual Health Education Consultation Report SIECCAN, WAGE 2022 Language: English Resource Type: Report Gender-Based Violence Prevention in Sexual Health Education Consultation Report

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SIECCAN News (15)

  • Just Released: New Sexual Health Tools

    Click below to see our two new sexual health resources! INCLUSIVE SEXUAL HEALTH ASSESSMENT: A GUIDE FOR HEALTHCARE PROVIDERS This guide details the importance of inclusive sexual health assessments so healthcare providers can better provide sexual health services to their patients. Includes helpful tips on inclusivity, creating culturally safe and welcoming environments, an inclusive sexual health assessment checklist, and the Assessing Patient Sexual Health: An 8 P Approach to guide healthcare providers through effective and inclusive assessment practices. CONDOMS ARE A GOOD CHOICE TO PROTECT SEXUAL HEALTH INFOGRAPHIC This Infographic highlights the role of correct condom use in reducing risks of STI transmission, the role of being prepared to discuss and use condoms, and the focus on pleasure with condom use. Share this infographic in education and healthcare settings to provide helpful information and encourage correct condom use. Less worry = more pleasure!

  • Survey Indicates Strong Support for Publicly Funded Sexual and Reproductive Health Services and Sexual Health Education in Schools: SIECCAN Issue Brief

    The results of this survey can inform policy and program decision making focused on the provision of sexual and reproductive health services across Canada. There is strong support among adults in Canada aged 25-44 for access to publicly funded sexual and reproductive health services, including: • abortion services • contraception • HPV vaccine programs for youth and adults. The findings can reassure educators that a strong majority of adults in this age group, including parents/guardians, are supportive of school-based sexual health education, want schools to provide equitable access to sexual health information (e.g., in libraries), and want schools to address transphobia and homophobia. Click below to view the Issue Brief!

  • JUST RELEASED! Benchmarks for Effective Comprehensive Sexual Health Education Consultation Summary Report

    BENCHMARKS FOR EFFECTIVE COMPREHENSIVE SEXUAL HEALTH EDUCATION: CONSULTATION SUMMARY REPORT The overall goal of the current project, funded by the Public Health Agency of Canada’s Community Action Fund, is to improve the knowledge and capacity of educators, service providers, and policy and program decision makers to provide effective, culturally safe, stigma-free STI prevention and sexual health education to youth in Canada. A key component of the goal is creating national Benchmarks for Effective Comprehensive Sexual Health Education. The Benchmarks will provide educators and policy and program decision makers with a consistent, evidence-based tool to develop, implement, and evaluate sexual health education programs/curricula that address the age/grade-specific sexual health education needs of diverse youth populations in Canada. Click here! POINTS DE REPÈRE POUR UNE ÉDUCATION EFFICACE ET COMPLÈTE EN MATIÈRE DE SANTÉ SEXUELLE: RAPPORT SOMMAIRE DES CONSULTATIONS L’objectif global du présent projet, financé par le Fonds d’action communautaire de l’Agence de la santé publique du Canada, est d’améliorer les connaissances et la capacité des éducateur·trice·s et personnes enseignantes, des prestataires de services et des décideur·euse·s en matière de politiques et de programmes à fournir aux jeunes du Canada une éducation efficace, culturellement sûre et non stigmatisante, en matière de santé sexuelle et de prévention des infections transmissibles sexuellement (ITS). Un élément clé pour atteindre cet objectif est l’établissement de points de repère nationaux pour l’éducation complète en matière de santé sexuelle. Ces repères fourniront aux éducateur·trice·s/personnes enseignantes et aux décideur·euse·s en matière de politiques et de programmes un outil cohérent et fondé sur des données probantes pour élaborer, mettre en œuvre et évaluer des programmes d’éducation à la santé sexuelle qui répondent aux besoins des diverses populations de jeunes au Canada selon l’âge/année scolaire. Cliquez ici!

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Image by Brandi Redd

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